Case Study

Chatbot for Footshop in 14 languages

Footshop leveraged Amio e-commerce chatbot to offer 24/7 support while reducing operational costs by 33 %.

Screenshot from Footshop's websiteFootshop chatbot
33 %
cost reduction
54 %
average automation level
16 %
deflection from email
months ROI


Pain - Limited talent pool of native speakers of 14 languages in HQ country. High load of repetitive after-sales questions that could be self-serviced.

Solution - Footbot - an AI chatbot available on Footshop e-shop through web-chat. A basic set of approximately 30 answers reaches over 50 % of customers’ requests.

Chatbot operates in 14 languages with hand-over to Daktela help-desk for human help. It collects the leads for e-mail/phone follow-ups outside the opening hours of the call centre.

Result - E-mail traffic dropped by 16 % due to incorporated deflection techniques. On average, 54 % of web-chat conversations are automated.

Test the chatbot at:

Graph showcasing email and webchat request decrease after deploying Amio chatbot.

About the Footshop

Footshop is a street-wear e-commerce brand with specific spill over to design, street art, and graffiti. Footshop partners with brands like Adidas to release limited edition sneakers. The company operation spans over many European markets.

Footshop operates customer service from headquarters covering 14 different languages. The main motivation of this project was to optimize call centre processes. Fast 24/7 support also improves customer experience with after-sales requests.

Next plans

Footshop aims to increase call centre efficiency by another 20% using following techniques:

  • 76 % automation rate
  • 22 % deflection from phones and emails
  • Web-chat channel
  • Fallback to support e-mail
Jan Neuvirt

Amio is the first chatbot that brought us significant and real cost savings.

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